Why Choose Us?

ORION help customers by simplifying the process of buying and selling a home. When a Realtor represents you, it means that they put your interests above their own. They use their local knowledge and experience to help you in every way possible.

Fast & Efficient

ORION is a team of Professionals with more than 10 years of experience. All the team members are experts in their field which in fast & efficient work

Modern Design

We sell the properties which are premium in class with modern design and latest construction with beautiful landscaping.

20 Years of Experiences

ORION has expertise in property consulting and management with more than20 years of experience in Primary & Secondary market in Delhi/NCR region.

24/7 Assistance

We give 24/7 assistance to our clients & are always available to their services

Total Projects
Satisfied Clients


Mivan shuttering is used extensively world over for construction purposes all over the world including Asia, Europe and the Middle East.


Get full details of real estate advisory services in Noida and Delhi/NCR. We are committed to customer service & provide best after sale service.


Modern architecture is a style of building that emphasizes function and a streamlined form over ornamentation. This design aesthetic is a departure from more elaborate and decorated homes


Design your home with Top Rated architects in Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad. ORION Homes tops the list of best interior designers & architecture firms.